Civil War Soldier – Shideler

RE: Tacy Family Tree

(Status: Confirmed)

Genealogy Tree

(Related Surnames: Tacy – Shideler)

John Shideler (1819-1863) served in the Civil War for the Union, 19th Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A.

The 19th was mustered into service on September 5th, 1862.

The first large skirmish the 19th regiment saw was the Battle at Thompson’s Station (TN) on March 5th, 1863.  After a full fledged five-hour battle, the Yankees were overwhelmed and out of ammunition. They surrendered after a fierce struggle, in which the 19th suffered the highest percentage of casualties of any regiment during the fight.  Many men were captured (reportedly 1,151) and subsequently incarcerated at Libby Prison in Richmond, VA.

(A History of the 19th Michigan Infantry “They Died To Make Men Free”, by William M. Anderson documents the history of the regiment during the Civil War.  You may find additional information on the book {{HERE}}.)

Records show that John Shideler would die a POW in the notorious Libby Prison only a few weeks later.  As such, it is highly probable (but not yet confirmed) that John Shideler was taken prisoner during the Battle at Thompson’s Station.

John Shideler died on April 10th, 1863 and was buried at the National Cemetery in Richmond, VA.  He was 44 years old.

John Shideler

Tacy Genealogy, John Shideler, 1819 - 1863, EDITED

19th Michigan Infantry Regiment Flag


Libby Prison, Richmond, VA

Tacy Genealogy, James Martin 1830-1863, Libby Prison

{{Read about Libby Prision HERE}}