Elijah Hanson: Project DAR

Status: Pending Documentation

Ongoing project of applying for DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution) membership:

In the process of obtaining documents that provide proof of ancestry to confirm that I am a decendent of Elijah Hinson (Hanson) (1755-1802). Elijah is currently registered as a Revolutionary soldier with the DAR.

Between our family records, census records & Quaker records, I have little doubt that Elijah is my ancestor.

Quaker records document much of the Hanson family line, although it seems curious that a Quaker – being strictly pacifist – would have participated in the war.  Because of the Quaker records, some family researchers doubt the validity of the claim of Elijah as a soldier. One explanation may be that there appears to be documentation that Elijah joined the Society of Friends after the war when he married his Quakeress nurse. I have yet to see any of this documentation personally.

Once I am able to prove my ancestry, my first task will be reviewing the DAR records to check for any inconsistencies in Elijah’s soldier records.

Interestingly, the most difficult part of this project will be in obtaining a copy of my Grandmother’s birth certificate as she was born on a homestead in Canada and Canada has a strict policy on issuing copies of birth certificates. (Yes, even genealogical copies)